Friday, February 1, 2019

Dutch Baby

Dutch Baby is not just delicious, it is fun to make and can be a great entertainment to bond over with kids. 

Blog's Category: Dessert, Egg Dish, International, Kid's Favorite, Perfect Breakfast

Dutch Baby is kind of pancake or omelet. Sometimes called German pancake, it is very similar to popover or Yorkshire pudding. Simple recipe and common ingredients are a huge plus. Here is a traditional version, served with lemon and sugar powder.

It is one of those recipe when you feel that you participate in some sort of miracle - right in front of your eyes, this pancake puffs and puffs and puffs in an oven. So, bring your kids and start!

In order to succeed, follow closely to every step. 

Dutch Baby

For about 2 servings:
  • 3 eggs, room temperature (see below how to warm them, if taken from a fridge)
  • 2/3 cup milk, room temperature
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1.5 tbsp clarified butter
For garnishing and serving:
  • 2 tbsp melted butter
  • 2 tbsp powdered sugar
  • 1/2 lemon, cut in wedges
  • 8" skillet suited for oven, preferably heavy like cast iron, All-Clad, La Creuset, etc.
  • blender
- Turn oven on and set it to 425F.

- If your eggs are cold from a fridge, warm then up in a bowl with medium-hot tap water for about 5 minutes. If your milk is cold as well. warm it in a microwave for a few seconds until it's room temperature or slightly luke-warm. 

- Crack eggs one by one into a cup and if it's fine, no shell in it, transfer into a blender.

- Place your 8" skillet on a stove on a high heat, add 1.5 tablespoon of clarified butter.

- In a blender with three eggs, add milk, vanilla, salt and flour. Whip for 7-10 seconds just until well blended.

- At this moment butter in your skillet is melted and just start to smoke. Pour your batter from a blender right into the middle of a hot skillet. It will sizzle on edges, keep pouring aiming in the center of skillet. At this moment you don't have to keep skillet on a heat anymore and please do this while kids are not close by :) Let them watch this from some distance.

-  Your oven should be already pre-heated to 425F already. Place skillet in a middle of your oven. Set timer for 20 minutes.

- In about 10 minutes enjoy watching your pancake puffing up more and more. It's done when it's being in an oven for about 20-25 minutes and puffed and golden and beautiful.

- Remove from and oven, sprinkle with melted butter, squeeze some lemon juice all over pancake and generously sprinkle with powdered sugar. To do this the right way, place sugar into a small sieve (see pictures below). Serve with additional lemon wedges and powdered sugar.

- Enjoy! 



All ingredients are here. Do not crack eggs right into a blender, it will be a huge headache to remove pieces of shell if they accidentally get there.  Crack eggs, one by one in a separate cup first, before adding it in a blender.

Initially I put too much clarified butter (about 3 tablespoons), so I had to remove some. One or two tablespoons will suffice.

 No need for long blending. 2 whirls for 5 seconds each is enough
Poor all batter right in a middle.

 Once poured, transfer into an oven right away.

 It puffs :)
 .. and puffs..
.. and puffs..
 .. and puffs like crazy..
 All your garnishing is prepared.

It will fall down a little once out the oven.

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